1. Hi Andrew,

    I literally read all of the articles you’ve published from A to Z and would like to say thank you so much for such an informative, well-structured and easy to follow website. I’m exploring an option to import car from Japan so your website is extremely useful – I really appreciate your work, thanks man!

    Take care :),

    • That’s great to hear Adam, thanks for your comment and I hope the importing goes well.

  2. Hi.
    I have previously imported several cars from Japan.
    Bought the yen myself via torfx.
    Charged a landing fee by Japanese bank.
    Can you shed any light on container shipping costs
    4 medium sized cars to Felixstowe as apparently its quicker and cheaper but I want to be sure of this.
    Ie loading-unloading fees etc.

    Kind regards.


    • Container shipping is definitely quicker and (at the time of writing) much more available than RoRo shipping. Container rates are changing all the time, but the last time I checked it certainly wasn’t cheaper than RoRo, although it’s getting close.


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